NCJCL is holding 3 categories of spirit contests this year!
School Specific Cheers: No props or JCL-related clothes necessary, just you showing off your school's JCL spirit!
Wannabe: Dress up, do some art, or share a video of you dancing/singing along to a part of Wannabe by the Spice Girls but not the fourth verse please.
Make a prop any prop: Make a spirit prop out of household items and supplies based on either theme below:
the National theme for this year: "sibi quisque ruri metit" (Each harvests one's own farm.)
OR the theme for state convention: “Nihil tamen aeque oblectaverit animum quam amicitia fidelis et dulcis.” (Yet nothing delights the mind so much as faithful and pleasant friendship.)
Links to the google forms to submit spirit contest entries are below: