The election of the2020-2021 NCJCL State Officers will occur at the upcoming NCJCL State Convention on April 3-4, 2020. If you are interested in running for office, please carefully read all the information below and follow the procedures below for filing for office.
NEW DATES: APRIL 10th- regular registration APRIL 15th- final state-of-emergency deadline APRIL 22nd- filmed and written speeches due----- also date of zoom call: time-TBD MAY 1st--- final day of voting and announcement of the new executive board!
A chapter may nominate one candidate each year for any of the seven elected offices which were not held by a member of their chapter the previous year.
Current officers may run for a different office for the year following their current term.
A current officer may not run for the same office in consecutive years unless a State of Emergency is declared with no candidates coming forward during the State of Emergency period.
There is a $40.00 limit on campaign expenses. Campaigning of any kind may not begin until after the General Assembly on Friday night of State Convention. Any campaigning before the general assembly via any platform (including social media such as Snapchat, Instagram, Twitter, etc.) will result in disqualification.
All candidates must have attended at least one NCJCL State Convention and must be able to complete their term of office while still enrolled in school and in a Classics course. If the candidate has already taken all the Latin/Classics courses offered at his/her school, then it is permitted to not be enrolled in a Classics course.
Deadlines for the Election process:
Friday, March 16th, 2020: Deadline for submitting candidacy forms and filing for office
Friday March 20: State of emergency declaration date
April 3-4, 2020: Election at State Convention
Please email the parlimentarian to file for candidacy. If you are filing please email with your name, hopeful position, school, sponsor, and sponsor email. This information must be submittedby March 16th, 2020. This deadline will be strictly enforced, so please make sure that the email is submitted by this date (unless you are filing) . If emails are submitted after this deadline, your student will not be considered as a candidate. Also the parlimentarian will need the following information: your name, school, office for which you are running, and a short biography stating your qualifications and reasons for running by this same deadline – March 16th, 2020.
Please be aware that candidates must meet on Friday evening, April 3rd, at the NCJCL State Convention to turn in campaign receipts and a copy of their 3-minute MAX speech. N.B. A maximum speech of three minutes will be given at General Assembly on Friday night.
Candidates must be present at the “Meet the Candidates” meeting on Saturday of Convention to answer questions from the Parliamentarian and the audienceat State Convention. Failure of a candidate to attend this meeting or arriving more than 10 minutes late will result in disqualification from the election.
Remember that candidates, if elected as state officers, will become voting members of the NCJCL Executive Board. Officers must attend 4 yearly Executive Board meetings occurring in May, September, January and March, as well as the NCJCL Fall Forum and State Convention. Sponsors are also required to attend these meetings. The quarterly board meetings are held in various locations across the state. Lastly, certain officers must attend the National Convention at the University of Richmond in Richmond, Virginia from July 24-29, 2020.Last year, the President, 2nd Vice-President, Parliamentarian, and Historian received full financial packets for National Convention due to their requirement to attend. All other officers received payment for half of their National Convention packet and are highly encouraged to attend.
Each chapter must send 2 voting delegates to the “Meet the Candidates” meeting on Saturday afternoon. After conferring with their classmates, the delegates will cast their 2 votes from their chapter.
Should a State of Emergency (when less than two candidates apply to run for a particular office) occur, sponsors will have the opportunity to file a prospective candidate for that office. Please note that sponsors may still only file one candidate per office and a total of 3 candidates per chapter overall by the State of Emergency deadline. This has changed with the approval of the new constitution and bylaws. Please email the parliamentarian if you have any questions.
As an NCJCL Officer, you learn patience, teamwork, and develop close relationships with your fellow board members. You have the opportunity to develop leadership skills and give back to this eccentric organization. I can certainly testify to having had the opportunity to take part in a truly rewarding experience. If you have any questions at all, please don't hesitate to contact me. Please encourage your students to run for an office this year and serve the NCJCL! Additional information and forms can be found below.