Thank you to everyone who attended the Multi-State Convention this year, and we hope you enjoyed an amazing experience! Thank you to all the sponsors, SCLer's, volunteers, speakers and JCL officers who helped make State Convention possible.
Preconvention ContestsThe new preconvention contest deadline is April 20th!
Graphic ArtsGraphic arts will be submitted as pre-convention contests through google forms by April 20th. Register/submit your art through the contest registration/submission doc. See the contest rules above for contest categories and guidelines.
Academic TestingStudents will have 1 hour to complete as many tests any or all of the tests administered at each testing session. Tests will likely be administered through Quia.
CertamenSee the Certamen page for more info on competitive and open Certamen!
ElectionsClick here for more information on running and voting for NCJCL Office. Thank you to everyone who ran and voted this year!
Other Events